Saturday, May 15, 2010

A Living Museum

Between 1862 and 1880, more than 300 people lived together in the Mansion House as members of a Bible Communist group, known as the Oneida Community.  They shared everything - property, marriage and the raising of children.  They created the first and only eugenics experiment in the United States, producing over 50 children by selected parents.  This experiment in breeding exposed long-simmering conflicts within the Community, which lead to its break-up in 1880.  The property and manufacturing enterprises ~ animals traps and silverware were the most successful ~ were converted into a joint stock company that became known as Oneida Ltd, the world's largest manufacturer of flatware.

On June 26, 2010, Victoria Carver and Frank Christopher will move into apartment # 255 in the building known as the Tontine ~ built in 1863 and used as the dining room and work area).  We will reside in what is now a living museum. *   We will explore the lives of members of the Oneida Community ~ see our Cast of Characters ~ from within the building where they once lived.

What will come of our journey back in time, recording our experiences using 21st Century media tools?  Follow us and see what happens.


1 comment:

  1. Will you be posting more entries? Reading about the Oneida Community was one of the things that helped me to better understand (and to leave) the community I was living in at one time.
    Jim L.
